According: ,the author of this blog who is a advocate over education at home one considered just for fundamentalists, homeschoolers today cite many different reasons for their home education choice:
· 8.2% child has special needs or disability
· 9% student behavior problems at school
· 11.5% other problems with available with school
· 11.6% school does not challenge child
· 12.1% object to what school teaches
· 15.1% to develop character and morality
· 16.8% family reasons
· 25.6% poor learning environment at school
· 38.4% religious reasons
· 48.9% can give child better education at home
Other views include aspects such as: Today some children have so much homework that they become distraught when they can’t complete it. Even some parents think that the amount of homework that is the expected is over the top.
I believe the schoolwork, including pressure in the discharge of duties, leading to sacrifice their leisure activities and this also generates effects to family life. Besides that the task should be more hands-on projects instead of exercises and drills. Also I am disagree “A good teacher should be able to teach everything necessary in class and not have to assign homework”, because the children learn the basics rules in the classroom and reinforced by some practices which are needed to perform at home. This is a necessary point to create some independence of mind in the child, assess their understanding at the classroom and improve their self esteem. Also, I consider that for a student to pays off is a joint effort between teacher, parents and the pupil.
Other aspects which are important to assess in this decision are:
* School children learn to socialize, and to interact with other children and with different teachers.
* Might develop addiction to the internet, as it would be a necessary tool to develop your projects and tasks.
* Children could performance less physical activity, because it will not physical education classes and/or other complementary.
* The government must have the necessary resources for this project: the updated technology and human support.
Anyway and in the course of history have been self-taught people, curious to learn and improve the quality of life, some of them as: Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, who did not have an education system, but with a spirit of excellence, and teach as that when there is desire to learn who put no limits.

The Homeschooling is an alternative, not only valid but perhaps the only relevant in front of a crowded public education, ineffective, brutalizing, designed by educators who play social engineers and supplied by legions of apathetic teachers, which are limited to cover the bad file well during the windows of clarity that allow them to anxiolytics. Therefore, we must improve our education because not all families have the resources necessary to get rid of such teachers.