According to the website “world life expectancy” the average statistics classified by continent between the years 2000 and 2005 are detailed in the following figure:

My opinion in this issue with mixed views regarding the advantages such as: gaining experience, respect, self-improvement, control of emotions with wisdom and disadvantages such as: appearance and complication of physical and some mental illness such as Alzheimer.
To support my views regarding the advantages will put as an example the three majors philosophies that are practiced in China:
1.Confusionismo: Develop the practice of goodness, wisdom, respect for traditions and elders, exercise of charity, justice, obedience, establishing a set of social standards for better development and understanding within a community. Its moral system is based on empathy and understanding.
2.Taoismo: It aims that its practitioners achieve longevity in full, has a close, relationship with nature and the importance of achieving balance and harmony between self and nature. As the main precepts of this religion are: peace, humility, honesty, piety, loyalty, solidarity.
3.Budismo: believes in the purity of mind and action, in the accumulation of karma, doing good deeds and avoiding evil deeds.
In the other hand to achieve a healthy long life is recommended:
•Healthy eating: 1500 calorie diet that includes antioxidant (fruits and vegetables colorful), whole grains, fish.
•Physical activity.
•Laugh and think optimistically.
•Mental activity: memory to keep active with the development of intellectual activities.
•Combat stress
•Breathing, relaxation and balneotherapy
•Family and social life: promoting a positive spirit.
With these recommendations will have a better quality of life by diminishing the appearance or complication of desease.

Indeed the older people are capable people, have feelings and a sense of life.
ResponderEliminarTheir experiences make them able to contribute to a better world.
Maybe all we need is to believe more in them.
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The health matters is the opportunity to change us life. Therefore, we must make the right decisions not to suffer in the future. We must ensure our welfare and evaluate our eating habits in order to amend what we are failing and do exercise and ensure that if we do this will be reflected in our appearance and mainly on self-esteem or perception we have of ourselves and with others. Create an exercise routine and an eating plan. Valorate, because nobody else will for you.