I defend that position: not smoking in all publics spaces, because I know its consequences in our bodies.
This global situation is worrying, the statistics tell us that:
Tobacco is one of the social and legal drugs most consumed in the world. In this century could reach dying around 1000 million people, because of addiction to snuff. It is estimated that by 2025, they can be around 1600 smokers in the world.
About half of smokers die from diseases related with tobacco. Many deaths related with snuff, but are not quick death, for example EPOC. Smoking increases the risk of developing several diseases. Many are not fatal, but cause symptoms disagreeable. The snuff is a risk factor for respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancers and it is harmful during pregnancy.
Industries added additives to increase their toxicity snuff, some substances are: cadmium (batteries), butane, toluene (industrial solvent), acetic acid, methane, arsenic (poison), carbon monoxide, methanol (rocket fuel).
Based on the evidence currently (background):
1. The highest percentage of consumers of snuff is between 29 and 49 years.
2. The current average age of initiation is centered at 16 years old.
3. By gender exits: 47% male, 11% female, who consumed 14 cigarettes per day.
4. If you are a long-term smoker on average your hopeful life is about 8-12 years less than that a non smoker.
5. With regard to passive smoking: they are in constant contact with smokers and inhale cigarette smoke and they can also get respiratory problems.
This is a situation of health and illness to non smokers, as: They are in constant contact with smokers and inhale cigarette smoke. They can also get respiratory problems.
But as an addiction specialist nurse also I know why it happen this addiction?
Tobacco: nicotine is the main substance.
Exits different types of this, for example: cigarettes, cigar, piper, chewy tobacco.
The nicotine: is a drug that stimulates that brain.
It has antidepressant effects and symptomatic relief of anxiety.
The smokers suffer a physical and psychological dependence.
Is a difficult situation for the smokers; however there are some recommendations for both active and passive smokers:
1.Breaking the habits that accompany smoking; for example: to drink coffee
2.Avoid places and situations where are you normally smoked.
3.It someone in your family smokes, ask them not to smoke in your room.
4.Practice some sport.
5.Plan activities during the first weeks to take off your mind of smoking.
6.Buy lot carrots, celery and other healthy foods to chew on instead of smoking.