viernes, 8 de abril de 2011
Community Service
Philantropy: it means love of humanity, as positive and constructive, expressed in helping others without the need for an exchange or interest in an answer. The donation is made directly or through NGOs non-profit, so as it is voluntary work.
But what is the difference between philanthropy and charity?
Charity:almost always mean donating money to alleviate suffering and relief to present a needy person. Some examples of charitable foundation in Costa Rica:
Roberta Felix Foundation: develops resources for disabled children in rural communities.
Paniamor: This aims to ensure compliance with the hights of minors.
Omar Dengo: deed and execute national and regional projects in the field of human development innovation and new technologies.
Philantropy: to contribute to organizations that address the causes of poverty, social problems or improve the quality of life, e.g.: Flamboyan and Neotropica (both are international environmental organization).
As part of the awareness in the academic undertake training and the projection of our moral values and professional university degree requirements incorporate community work. In my experience in both majors I have, do community work (TCU) is important because it helps us to acquire and maintain awareness of the needs of others and allows us to acquire skills to solve problems of different kinds.
One of the figures of history that serves as an example to illustrate this theme is Gandhi, who was a person who was, defended the love between human beings. Their heritage to the world represented in famous quotes that make us think, some of them are:
He said (that) he did not permit to the sun die, until rancor die.
He said (that) if I want to change the world, first change myself.
He said (that) if I will acquire something with violence, it will keep with violence.
He said (that), the truth education should consist in to obtain the better myself.
I consider: He was an example for the world, wasn’t he?; He was a motivator for the humanity, wasn’t he? and, He will be an example for our children, won’t he?
From this perspective, wise words, applying the qualities of love, generosity, charity and empathy, I believe that community work is a requirement as a college student and that makes us people of quality and warmth.
Lesson: If I earn a lot of money, I should give more charity. If I want to be a better person could be more involved in community work….
domingo, 3 de abril de 2011
Health matters
Longevity is synonymous with life expectancy, and it is defined as the mean number of years living a certain population in a certain period of time,it is usually divided to male and female, and can be influenced by factors such quality health, hygiene, etc.
According to the website “world life expectancy” the average statistics classified by continent between the years 2000 and 2005 are detailed in the following figure:
My opinion in this issue with mixed views regarding the advantages such as: gaining experience, respect, self-improvement, control of emotions with wisdom and disadvantages such as: appearance and complication of physical and some mental illness such as Alzheimer.
To support my views regarding the advantages will put as an example the three majors philosophies that are practiced in China:
1.Confusionismo: Develop the practice of goodness, wisdom, respect for traditions and elders, exercise of charity, justice, obedience, establishing a set of social standards for better development and understanding within a community. Its moral system is based on empathy and understanding.
2.Taoismo: It aims that its practitioners achieve longevity in full, has a close, relationship with nature and the importance of achieving balance and harmony between self and nature. As the main precepts of this religion are: peace, humility, honesty, piety, loyalty, solidarity.
3.Budismo: believes in the purity of mind and action, in the accumulation of karma, doing good deeds and avoiding evil deeds.
In the other hand to achieve a healthy long life is recommended:
•Healthy eating: 1500 calorie diet that includes antioxidant (fruits and vegetables colorful), whole grains, fish.
•Physical activity.
•Laugh and think optimistically.
•Mental activity: memory to keep active with the development of intellectual activities.
•Combat stress
•Breathing, relaxation and balneotherapy
•Family and social life: promoting a positive spirit.
With these recommendations will have a better quality of life by diminishing the appearance or complication of desease.
According to the website “world life expectancy” the average statistics classified by continent between the years 2000 and 2005 are detailed in the following figure:
My opinion in this issue with mixed views regarding the advantages such as: gaining experience, respect, self-improvement, control of emotions with wisdom and disadvantages such as: appearance and complication of physical and some mental illness such as Alzheimer.
To support my views regarding the advantages will put as an example the three majors philosophies that are practiced in China:
1.Confusionismo: Develop the practice of goodness, wisdom, respect for traditions and elders, exercise of charity, justice, obedience, establishing a set of social standards for better development and understanding within a community. Its moral system is based on empathy and understanding.
2.Taoismo: It aims that its practitioners achieve longevity in full, has a close, relationship with nature and the importance of achieving balance and harmony between self and nature. As the main precepts of this religion are: peace, humility, honesty, piety, loyalty, solidarity.
3.Budismo: believes in the purity of mind and action, in the accumulation of karma, doing good deeds and avoiding evil deeds.
In the other hand to achieve a healthy long life is recommended:
•Healthy eating: 1500 calorie diet that includes antioxidant (fruits and vegetables colorful), whole grains, fish.
•Physical activity.
•Laugh and think optimistically.
•Mental activity: memory to keep active with the development of intellectual activities.
•Combat stress
•Breathing, relaxation and balneotherapy
•Family and social life: promoting a positive spirit.
With these recommendations will have a better quality of life by diminishing the appearance or complication of desease.
domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011
Animal Behavior
I believe that all animals on the planet have intelligences, in the classifications of animals that exists (mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles and amphibians) all have skills that demonstrate according to context and / or environment where they operate.
The tame animals like dogs, cats and birds socialize with humans and we show their emotions through its touch, barking, singing, etc. We can also signs of intelligence by means of skills to figure out situations such as: home building, feed it, get a couple, others can be trained to assist in therapy or memorization to learn routines in everyday life activities of human beings.
According to National Geographic “ Animals are smarter than you think” and show a number of examples where animals exhibit these characteristics of intelligence:
* Magpies in the bush know that other magpies are thieves.
* The sheeps can recognize faces
* Chimpanzees use different tools for digging into termite mounds and even use weapons to hunt small mammals.
* The dolphins can imitate human postures
* The archer fish which stuns the insects with a sudden gush of water.
Charles Darwin tried to explain how human intelligence developed, extended his theory of evolution to the human brain like the rest of our duties, intelligence must have evolved from simpler organisms, since all animals face the same general challenges life.
For some animals can be a nuisance, a pest, but are essential in the development of our lives, can help in our learning, be a relaxation therapy, an example of teamwork, show feelings of support and compassion.
The smoked
I defend that position: not smoking in all publics spaces, because I know its consequences in our bodies.
This global situation is worrying, the statistics tell us that:
Tobacco is one of the social and legal drugs most consumed in the world. In this century could reach dying around 1000 million people, because of addiction to snuff. It is estimated that by 2025, they can be around 1600 smokers in the world.
About half of smokers die from diseases related with tobacco. Many deaths related with snuff, but are not quick death, for example EPOC. Smoking increases the risk of developing several diseases. Many are not fatal, but cause symptoms disagreeable. The snuff is a risk factor for respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancers and it is harmful during pregnancy.
Industries added additives to increase their toxicity snuff, some substances are: cadmium (batteries), butane, toluene (industrial solvent), acetic acid, methane, arsenic (poison), carbon monoxide, methanol (rocket fuel).
Based on the evidence currently (background):
1. The highest percentage of consumers of snuff is between 29 and 49 years.
2. The current average age of initiation is centered at 16 years old.
3. By gender exits: 47% male, 11% female, who consumed 14 cigarettes per day.
4. If you are a long-term smoker on average your hopeful life is about 8-12 years less than that a non smoker.
5. With regard to passive smoking: they are in constant contact with smokers and inhale cigarette smoke and they can also get respiratory problems.
This is a situation of health and illness to non smokers, as: They are in constant contact with smokers and inhale cigarette smoke. They can also get respiratory problems.
But as an addiction specialist nurse also I know why it happen this addiction?
Tobacco: nicotine is the main substance.
Exits different types of this, for example: cigarettes, cigar, piper, chewy tobacco.
The nicotine: is a drug that stimulates that brain.
It has antidepressant effects and symptomatic relief of anxiety.
The smokers suffer a physical and psychological dependence.
Is a difficult situation for the smokers; however there are some recommendations for both active and passive smokers:
1.Breaking the habits that accompany smoking; for example: to drink coffee
2.Avoid places and situations where are you normally smoked.
3.It someone in your family smokes, ask them not to smoke in your room.
4.Practice some sport.
5.Plan activities during the first weeks to take off your mind of smoking.
6.Buy lot carrots, celery and other healthy foods to chew on instead of smoking.
This global situation is worrying, the statistics tell us that:
Tobacco is one of the social and legal drugs most consumed in the world. In this century could reach dying around 1000 million people, because of addiction to snuff. It is estimated that by 2025, they can be around 1600 smokers in the world.
About half of smokers die from diseases related with tobacco. Many deaths related with snuff, but are not quick death, for example EPOC. Smoking increases the risk of developing several diseases. Many are not fatal, but cause symptoms disagreeable. The snuff is a risk factor for respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancers and it is harmful during pregnancy.
Industries added additives to increase their toxicity snuff, some substances are: cadmium (batteries), butane, toluene (industrial solvent), acetic acid, methane, arsenic (poison), carbon monoxide, methanol (rocket fuel).
Based on the evidence currently (background):
1. The highest percentage of consumers of snuff is between 29 and 49 years.
2. The current average age of initiation is centered at 16 years old.
3. By gender exits: 47% male, 11% female, who consumed 14 cigarettes per day.
4. If you are a long-term smoker on average your hopeful life is about 8-12 years less than that a non smoker.
5. With regard to passive smoking: they are in constant contact with smokers and inhale cigarette smoke and they can also get respiratory problems.
This is a situation of health and illness to non smokers, as: They are in constant contact with smokers and inhale cigarette smoke. They can also get respiratory problems.
But as an addiction specialist nurse also I know why it happen this addiction?
Tobacco: nicotine is the main substance.
Exits different types of this, for example: cigarettes, cigar, piper, chewy tobacco.
The nicotine: is a drug that stimulates that brain.
It has antidepressant effects and symptomatic relief of anxiety.
The smokers suffer a physical and psychological dependence.
Is a difficult situation for the smokers; however there are some recommendations for both active and passive smokers:
1.Breaking the habits that accompany smoking; for example: to drink coffee
2.Avoid places and situations where are you normally smoked.
3.It someone in your family smokes, ask them not to smoke in your room.
4.Practice some sport.
5.Plan activities during the first weeks to take off your mind of smoking.
6.Buy lot carrots, celery and other healthy foods to chew on instead of smoking.
Overcoming Obstacles
Hellen Keller is one of the most remarkable examples of personal growth to the physical limitations, her will and her desire to achieve more led her to graduate with honor. She established a goal to fight for the rights of the disabled even creating a foundation for the prevention of blindness.
In the 33 years of my life I have known people who despite their physical disabilities, mental and emotional have taught me that if you work with love, faith and hope can overcome obstacles to achieve goals successfully.
A close example is my young sister, she has faced death several times, but the hardest stage was when her 8 years she performed a surgery had an allergic reaction to anesthesia, which caused respiratory layoff that it complicated by cerebral edema, she lasted a week with memory loss failing to recognize mom and downgraded its intellectual capacity of second grade to kindergarten.
Despite these circumstances began to progress in their handwriting and improve their intellectual abilities, her qualities of persistence, will power and courage helped her to go beyond this condition; obviously had important resources such as belief in God, the continued support of the family and the unconditional support of her second grade teacher.
Thanks to God and her perseverance overcame her second degree. Today she is a teacher with a major in computer science and she is super creative and smart to develop their lessons, she likes to work with children with some disabilities.
In summary, when you want you can, if you do you do with.
miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011
The Social Network
In this time, the technology is a way of life and communication around the world.
According to wikipedia the social network: social structure composed of groups of people; which are connected by one o more types of relationships, such as: friendship, kinship, common interests or shared knowledge.
The Social Network is a way of life style for many and how to interact with other.
Some advantages are:
1. You can meet people from around the world.
2. You can make friends.
3. You could find a partner.
4. You can connect with people who do not have see long.
5. You can generate income.
But this tool can create disadvantage for some users,such as:
1. Anyone can violate your privacy
2. Anyone can make comments about situations and activities in a negative way.
3. Someone could steal your internet identity (the famous hackers).
There are different types of social networks, some of the best known are:
My space
Hi 5
The movie the Social Network focuses on how this phenomenon (Facebook) changed the world. But also shows how the friendship deteriorates due to the acquisition of power and it shows that the good are not so good and the bad are not so bad.
The technological change can bring positive development of our lives, but we must be careful not to become an obsession.
Lessons learned from the Innovaion Week
January 26, 2011
Dear Sir / Madam,
The content of cultural activity “The brain learns”, which was presented by the master Silvia Castro is important in the current education system.
Each of us, as student can develop skills and abilities in many areas: linguistic, musical, mathematical, scientific, bio mechanics, etc., but in some cases makes it easier to learn some areas tan others.
I have implemented the following rules of the features mentioned in the talk, from I am school:
1. Motivate me to what I learn, everything has an application and is required for general education.
2. I reflect on what I do and I say, for to improve and to correct.
3. I try to practice what you should practice. The brain is a muscle that must be exercised, to be more effective.
4. I learn from others, be they younger than me, other professions, other ideologies or other points of view.
I am glad to hear that some of my techniques are well applied by me, and develop other skills for to improve my learning.
I will be hopped Ulacit organize more activities like this, to encourage us as professionals, and be of better quality students with skills necessary for the present time.
I dismiss thanking this learning.
Licda. Lezahairam Thomas Cornejo
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